Monday, October 03, 2005

LLU kicking my butt!

For the past three months my fellow PMPT students have been slugging away at school. However the bomb was finally dropped this past week.
With the beginning of a new quarter we have been introduced (quite politely i may add) to a real schedule of classes. We suffer from a load of 23 units. The number sounds so bland. Lets add a few course names to spice things up a bit. Physiology, Histology, Orthopaedics, and Neural Anatomy to name a few. You can feel the blood pressure rise with every hour of lecture that passes. I can hardly wait for next quarter.

Lowering The Stress.
Stress release can be difficult when your time is limited. Getting outside works well for me so if I am not out riding my bike or diving I begin to feel bit twitchy. Some times you need a good road trip.
Planning a trip soon...