Tuesday, February 28, 2006

"Turkey Sleep" the return...

It seems that we see the return of a secondary Turkey Sleep here in Loma Linda. Of late many of my classmates are slipping into the mysterious sleep during lectures and in Labs. The effect of Turkey Sleep on the individual is often unanticipated. This may help to explain the quick and sudden onset of the stupor upon the person/persons in question. I have been watching carefully keeping track of the symptoms, which precede onset of the Turkey Sleep. Usually there is a large food bolus eaten prior to a period of sitting in a lecture/ lab. This seems to be a common point. Other characteristics are the famous head-bob. Made world famous by none other than Hanz "jello neck" schwanzengruber. The head bob can last anywhere from 1-5 mins. all the way up to 1 hour or more. It is by far one of the best crowd pleasers of all the signs of Turkey Sleep. If you are looking for an opportunity to do some research on your own. I recommend a nice afternoon at your local library or attend any after lunch lecture. These venues will provide you with an unlimited number of Turkey Sleepers. Check it out... Rich

Sunday, February 26, 2006

"Hiking Boots??? Nah...Rock the Clogs!"

It goes without saying that men are brash and quick of thought. We often make decision, which others may look at with a smirk and think to themselves. "Yeah, try that out smart guy." Well, I have had the luck or dare I say opportunity of late to make several suggestions...(advisements) that have not been the most helpful. The first of these was the advice to the great bio-chica of tomato Tuesday fame. She asked me if we needed hiking boot for this "walk/ hike/ adventure we were going to take for the afternoon. I said nah... you'll be good with those clogs. Huh.. Not good exactly sage advice there kids. I can tell you that when asked such a question in the future I will be smart enough to answer thusly... "What do you think dear?" ah ha.. Now that will solve some of it. Well, the Clogs rocked the hike with relative ease. I would say they lose a bit of traction on the wet surfaces so at times like these you just have to do as my cousin Hobart would say..and "man up Barnes" The photo show's just what such a comment requires as far as the "man up" part goes. The lovely bio-chica was there by carried over the slippery logs and crazy sand stone. She rocks. Well, I guess having good people around you can make all the difference when you say something like "hiking boots??nah.. rock the clogs!" .. Lesson learned... rich

Here is the team.. Bio-chica, Rich, WB
I'm telling you.. Gun lock, Utah. Not bad
not bad at all... Two thumbs up..

"Gun lock, Utah"

Let me tell you my friends you have not been anywhere till you have been to the location of choice this week. Gun lock, Utah. This is a location where on your right you have sand dunes, on your left you have a lake of Ice cold crystal clear water. Who is to know what awaits over the next hill? A land where you want to charge over the next hill to see what great adventure may await you there. God outdid himself with this one. A big thumbs up for Gun lock, Utah. Nice...

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

"PowerBook G4"

I can only say that I am the new owner of the powerful G4 PowerBook. I am now a new apple computer user. Its easy to sum up my feelings about this little computer.. Portable, Easy to use, fast, fun , and can do a whole lot more than my old computer.
All smiles on this end. Great stuff. Apple computers.. NICE.. Rich

"Tomato Tuesday"

Yep, That's correct it is another Tomato Tuesday. That is the day which Cocco's has choosen to set as the day to serve Tomato bisk soup. Oh my friends if you have not had this soup I can only advise you to add it to you schedule for next week. A bowl of soup for dinner is now a reality. Good price good food.. $3.99 not a bad price for a good bowl of soup. Cocco's ... hmmm...Its whats for dinner for me on tuesday...
Today I was able to share the evening with the lovely Bio-chica. We ate soup, and exchanged stories about life in the Southern California. The dryness of the local climate was considered and debated at length, as we sipped glass after glass of water. Our server "Chase" is the man. This guy will no doubt be a legend. He has skills with the water pitcher and kept our glasses full to overflowing. Good times , Great company, and Good Soup...Another Tomato Tuesday.